Monday, March 19, 2007

Down with Haters

Well, this is something that I suppose has to be brought up at some point along this journey. sooner or later, you are going to run into people who, for one reason or another, decide that you fit the profile of "People to Hate on".

Personally, having been raised Roman Catholic, I have a good background in the beliefs that most people will use to condemn you. I have found that a little research and memorization will go a long ways to helping you. Of course, a lot of these people will not listen to what you have to say, they are too wrapped up in their hate to see anything else in the world. The real key is to keep walking, head high and ignore them.

I have, on several occasions, reminded these particular people that their Jesus stated that the most important commandment above and beyond all others, is to 'Love one another as I have loved you.' With the exception of the Money clangers in the temple, he never put anyone down or judged them based on their lifestyle, but how they lived their lives instead.

For those who hate, just because they can, there is no real rebuttal but to ignore them.

For the record, I DO NOT condone violence of any type, however, should your or your partner's lives, safety or well being be put into immediate jeopardy and there is no other recourse, kick them in the pants and run like hell until you can call the police. Personally, I follow the path to Buddha's enlightenment, and prefer to walk the path of nonviolence, but if someone were to physically threaten me or my family, and there was no other option, I would not hesitate to defend us.

I wish you the best during your journey and encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas.

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