Sunday, April 22, 2007

Seperation Anxiety

Yep... she gets to take a vacation and here I am, still working my fingers to the bone. What the heck does this have to do with the whole picture you ask? Well, this is the first time we have been 'apart' since this transition started.

Granted, we have been together for almost 4 years, so there is already a base of trust and love in place, but if you don't have that, separations like this can be most difficult. You have to be able to trust that you other half is going to behave within the boundaries of the relationship that you have set, and they must believe the same of you. Of course, for both of you, this is not an opportunity to play away (unless that is the type of relationship you have). This is a chance for each of you to have some time to yourself to make sure that you can maintain an even keel during this transition.

While we are fortunate to have work schedules that make our time together less, but more cherished, not everyone will have that luxury. Use a vacation like this to spend time for yourself and make sure that your mind is where it needs to be, not focused on all the things that are going on.

Enjoy the time apart and use it to learn to cherish the time you have together. Remember, this is not something that just one of you is going through, you are both going through this transition.

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