Monday, March 12, 2007

Who's gonna make me pretty now?

Finding a plastic surgeon.

We all know that you are going to have to go through this step at some point, and with 16 years in the medical field, I figure that I may as well address it now as we have already begun the search.

First, are there others in your area who have already gone through this? If so, ask for who they would or would not recommend. If not, then it is time to start opening the phone book and looking them up. Make the calls and ask if they handle transgender breast augmentation (starting at the top). Don't be discouraged if you don't find someone right away. Talk to the doctor who is managing your hormone therapy as well, they may know of someone in your area or close to it that does this kind of surgery.

Second, once you find a doctor or two who do the surgery, make an appointment to see them. Let them know ahead of time that you want to discuss not only your care, but their experience and qualifications and ask to see before and after shots of previous patients. Some offices may have patients who are willing to be references, but in the age of HIPAA (that pesky federal law that prevents disclosure of information) they may not. Either way, make sure that you are comfortable with their work before you go any further. Also be open and frank with them about your lifestyle and any other questions they may ask. Lieing will only hurt you, not them.

Once you have found a doctor that you are comfortable with, you are well on your way to becoming your true self.

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