Saturday, August 18, 2007

The ups and the downs

There are both in any relationship. Sometimes there seems to be more downs than ups, but if you want to make it work, you just have to tough them out and get through till the ups come back around again. Sometimes it will take longer than others, but they will come back eventually.

I figure that it's like going through a tunnel. Some tunnels are longer than others and some just have some traffic that make them take longer. All you have to do is have faith that you will come out the other side intact. beyond that, al you have to do is know that this is a learning experience. You may not realize what you are learning until later down the road, but you will learn something from it. Whether it is nothing more than getting better at letting things slide off your back, or just learning to listen to what is behind the words being thrown at you, you will find some small kernel (or even a large one) that you can take away with you and store away in you mind for future use.

Just remember, when your other half is taking any type of hormones, whether it be male or female, they are going to be doing battle with what is already in the body from the biological gender. This will cause some interesting mood swings.

Sometimes you just have to try to sit in the middle of the boat and ride out the storm until it is safe to get back to shore.

I hope that your journeys are ones of trust and learning about each other.

Good night

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Soothing the Savage Beast

Music. There are a lot of sayings about music soothing the savage beast and all that, but behind each saying, there is a little nugget of truth.

I realized today, that music is meant to move us. Well, most music is, some is just nothing more than a bunch of tones strung together and made popular by mass media. Every once in a while though, we come across a song that strikes us to the core and allows us to reaffirm those things in life that we have had doubts about or that we are growing less sure of.

As I said a couple posts back, things have been a little out of whack lately, and I know that it has affected me too because I have been letting things get to me more than I usually do when she gets in one of her moods. The other day, as I was driving into the salon to go to work, I was listening to my MP3 player and came across a song that I had not heard in a while. As the song played, I listened to the lyrics and realized that there was something to be learned from them. At least to me. I am not saying that there is a song out there that will talk to everyone the same way. While mine is a club mix, yours may be a ballad, pop, country, or even something classical. The trick is to let the music speak to you and listen to what it tells you.

Trying to impose your own meaning over the music will not get you anywhere, you have to listen to what the music is telling you to really get the concept.

What most people don’t realize is that music actually is a living thing, or rather, it takes on a life of its own after it is released. A song that I may feel is about loosing something may seem to you to be about finding something. It as all in the interpretation. Since we all have our own individual viewpoint, we each tend to see things a little bit differently.

I guess what I am trying to tell you is that when all else fails, listen to your music collection and see what pops out at you. Whether it is in the car while you are driving, or while you are home working around the house, going to bed, or even at work if you are lucky enough to be able to listen to your music there. You will eventually find that one song that can get you back on track and where you need to be. I call this my anthem. We all have an anthem. The Anthem of Ourselves. Doesn’t matter what kind of music it is, but it will get you up when you’re down, and back on track when you are derailed.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Another Month Down

And the rest of our lives to go. Patience is a virtue, and lately, it seems to be in short supply. I know that some of you out there are wondering where I am going to take this one, so sit back and relax and let me show you.

Recently, through a bad turn of events and a few people who I barely qualify as human, my better half found herself in a bit of a predicament. Now, I have to say, I haven't known a lot of people over the years that bounce as well as she does (take that however you like ;)), she just randomly goes places and runs into former customers that still want her to groom their dogs for them. I mean, she goes to file for medical assistance, and runs into one of her former customers that works there. I still can't figure it out. She must have done some seriously good shit in a previous life.

Anyways, onto the patience part.

Now, while she is waiting for a determination on her assistance, she has been looking at other options for financing her surgery, and it seems as though she just can't wait to hear back from them. She is champing at the bit and begging to go way out on a limb to get this done. Believe me, I know that this is something that will make her feel complete and whole for the first time in her life and I know that this is something that will make our lives that much easier, but by the same token, if the system that you have spent the last how many years paying into is able to help you out, then why not be patient and wait a little bit and let them do it, or at least wait until they turn you down before you go out there doing things that will overextend you.

Mind you, I have to admit, there are some serious boobies there now that were definitely not there before, but I also know that she needs the surgical help to get them where she needs them to be also know that big boobs don't help much if you're living in a cardboard box. I guess I Am just afraid of being overextended and loosing what we have.

I want to close this out with a paragraph from one of my favorite authors, Laurell K. Hamilton. This is from her novel Incubus Dreams. "There comes a point where you just love someone. Not because they're good, or bad, or anything really. You just love them. It doesn't mean you'll be together forever. I(t doesn't mean you won't hurt each other. It just means you love them. Sometimes in spite of who they are, and sometimes because of who they are. And you know that they love you, sometimes because of who you are, and sometimes in spite of it."

This book is from the Anita Blake series, if you are a fan of Vampire and werewolf fiction set in current times (also called Alternate history writing), this is definitely worth the read.

Have a safe journey.