Saturday, June 2, 2007

Back to it

Hey there. I have to apologize for the lack in updates lately. As some of you may know, I am now working full time nights and part time days. Doesn't leave a whole lot of time to work on this project.

Things are going well, and we are looking around for options that are cost effective and will help things along. We came across references to orchiectomy and started to research it as a viable option for progressing along the transitional path. The surgical procedure is a removal of the testicles,which are not used in GRS anyway, and will remove the testosterone from the system. This will help in the transition as it will allow the HRT to really work on the body, while eliminating the physical conflict within the body caused by the HRT fighting the testosterone naturally formed by the body.

The other benefit to this procedure, is that it allows the transition to move forward, while not costing the full amount of a GRS.

OK, time to go back to work now, but I promise to work to keep the updates coming.

Have a great one, and remember, love is. No qualifiers, it just is.

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