Saturday, August 18, 2007

The ups and the downs

There are both in any relationship. Sometimes there seems to be more downs than ups, but if you want to make it work, you just have to tough them out and get through till the ups come back around again. Sometimes it will take longer than others, but they will come back eventually.

I figure that it's like going through a tunnel. Some tunnels are longer than others and some just have some traffic that make them take longer. All you have to do is have faith that you will come out the other side intact. beyond that, al you have to do is know that this is a learning experience. You may not realize what you are learning until later down the road, but you will learn something from it. Whether it is nothing more than getting better at letting things slide off your back, or just learning to listen to what is behind the words being thrown at you, you will find some small kernel (or even a large one) that you can take away with you and store away in you mind for future use.

Just remember, when your other half is taking any type of hormones, whether it be male or female, they are going to be doing battle with what is already in the body from the biological gender. This will cause some interesting mood swings.

Sometimes you just have to try to sit in the middle of the boat and ride out the storm until it is safe to get back to shore.

I hope that your journeys are ones of trust and learning about each other.

Good night

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