Monday, April 9, 2007

Tolerance through Education

Funny thing. I wasn't really planning on dropping a blog tonight. Then, i had an experience that I felt warranted this little bit of brain spew. (Bear with me, I have been up for 20hrs+ at this point so if it is a little disjointed, I apologize)

In the course of a business related phone conversation, the person on the other end of the line made a bit of a remark that caught me off guard. It pertained to the individual that we had called about rpeviously being a transgendered individual. Her comments were to the effect that they did not want to expose another client to this person as they are considered a freak.

I am not normally one to bring my personal life to work with me on the basis that you should keep the two separate. This time, however, I felt that I needed to promote tolerance through education. I explained to her that transgendered people are stuck in a position that our society has made extremely awkward and prone to criticism and even outright hatred. I also explained how we need to understand that these people are not doing this for attention or because they want to be different, they are suffering from a legitimate medical condition called Gender Dysphoria.

I'd like to think that I may have made a difference in one person's mind, and by doing so have started some little ripples that will spread and eventually make a difference in someone's life.

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